2 Biggest opportunities missed by copywriters

The first time I was interviewed for The Copywriter Club Podcast it was the worst interview I’ve ever given. Waffling, nerves, breathless… They ended up not airing it because my internet connection was so bad and the recording was unsalvageable. We managed to get a decent recording the second time around.

On the plus side, the questions Kira and Rob asked me during my unpublished interview gave me 10-15 days worth of email material. Here’s the first.

“What do you think is the biggest opportunity copywriters miss out on?”

Missed opportunity #1: not understanding pricing

Their biggest missed opportunity is not understanding how to charge for their work. This is a simple math equation and a 90-minute exercise that can be done on a spreadsheet. I’ve created a free training on it called the Freelancer Pricing Playbook.

Missed opportunity #2: not sending enough emails

Their next biggest missed opportunity is not starting an email list and if they do have one, not emailing it often enough. I used to think I’m this email copywriting badass because my open and click-through rates were so high. If your open and click-through rates are far above industry averages, it’s unlikely you’re an email maestro. You either have a tiny list or you’re not mailing often enough.

When my friend Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes first started using email marketing, he emailed his list three times a day. And his open rates and click-through rates still hovered around the industry average. If every email you send is a positive ROI activity (Alexander was earning around $4-$10 an email selling ebooks), every email not sent leaves money on the table.

Note: if you’re a copywriter, don’t start another mailing list about copywriting or marketing. Have some imagination. It’ll be more interesting and profitable for you.

Are you a copywriter?

Both of these missed opportunities exist in many other industries besides freelance copywriting.

  • Price your products accurately
  • Email your list more often

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Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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