Another one of my CopySkills™ rants

This is a rant I posted in CopySkills™. I’d originally intended it for our paying members but the message is too important to keep private. You’ve likely heard this message before. But not my way. I’m certain of it. There is profanity. If you can’t handle this, unsubscribe immediately. Rant begins after the image.

a close up of a computer screen with a sign on it

A CopySkills™ member canceled their membership recently. He sent me an email explaining why.

On the plus side, at least he had the courtesy to send an email. On the minus side, I wish he hadn’t because his reasons for canceling were infuriating.

You’ll see why in a second.

In the 6 months since my last retainer got canceled, I’ve only managed to earn $3400. The problem isn’t CopySkills, or even the profession (I love marketing/copywriting). It’s just me. I’m not being consistent with marketing my biz. Haven’t consistently tweeted, emailed or started a yt channel or even DM’d people. For now I’ve decided to get a job.

Heysoos Fucking Crisco

I cannot even begin to describe how MONUMENTALLY GAY this is. Nevertheless, I will attempt to do so.

  1. Quitting the only positive thing you’ve done to grow your copywriting business is retarded. No one can claim money issues over a $20/month membership unless you live in utter squalor. You have a laptop, a smartphone and internet access, therefore you are not poor. Maybe if CopySkills™ was $97/month or $500/month you’d have a legitimate reason. But it isn’t, so you don’t. There are people with room-temperature IQ making $100,000+ per month. If you can’t figure out how to make $20+/month online you absolutely must quit copywriting forever.
  2. Imagine being such a pussy that you refuse to send DMs to get clients. You are not above cold outreach. No one is. Even copywriters making $200,000+ per year do cold outreach. I was sending cold DMs as recently as a month ago. When you have zero clients your only jobs are learning and sending cold outreach. Fuck everything else.
  3. Who the fuck said you have to tweet, launch a newsletter and start a YouTube channel to get clients? And then on top of that, because you can’t do any of these things–that you literally could go your entire career without doing and still make a million dollars–why the fuck would you literally smash your own kneecaps with a sledgehammer and paralyse yourself into doing nothing, so much so that you end up having to quit freelancing to get a job? Make it make sense!
  4. Imagine having access to two coaches who are successful full-time copywriters, guest lectures from the best experts in the world, S-Tier courses that can help you get results for clients and build your own brand, the ability to ask for unlimited help on anything that could come up in your copywriting business… and then not using any of these resources. You deserve to fail.
  5. Never overplay your hand. This member who canceled had several opportunities to get clients. I even referred opportunities to him. But he made the mistake of overestimating his skill, his status, and his leverage. He thought he was owed $10,000/month but the truth is he didn’t deserve it. That’s why he lost long-term clients–legit influencers who could’ve kept him working for decades–and that’s why he’s looking for a job. Stay humble or the freelancing business will humble you.

This copywriter will never be allowed in CopySkills™ again. Just because we charge $20/month doesn’t mean there aren’t any standards. Having copywriters like this around brings the quality of the community down. I don’t want his poverty mindset rubbing off on you.

There is only ONE WAY to guarantee failure: QUIT.

Nabeel Azeez

P.S. I’m hosting a free guest lecture with ROGUEWEALTH next week on How to Run Sales Calls. It’s free to attend live. Recordings will be made available to paying CopySkills™ members.

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About Nabeel Azeez

“Nabeel is the Swiss Army knife of copywriters.” – Dennis Demori

“One of the smartest, most authentic business consults around.” – Mike Cernovich

“He’s a master of content and digital branding.” – Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

“Is it just me or does every ‘copywriter’ have the same tone? Except Nabeel.” – SaaSWiz

“Nabeel doesn’t realize he’s a rare breed. That bearded animal can make paint drying sound riveting.” – Mike Mark

Bald. Bearded. Magnificent. Oh, And he writes a bit of copy too. Nabeel Azeez is a direct response copywriter and marketing consultant in Dubai, U.A.E. He’s writing this in the third person and telling you about it because he enjoys meta-humor or meta-humour, depending on whether or not you are familiar with diphthongs.

Nabeel is the co-owner of Dropkick Copy, a boutique direct response copywriting studio. He’s also the founder of CopySkills™, a community and training program for copywriters in the Global South, and MuslimMan™, a lifestyle brand for Muslim men. He lives in Dubai, UAE with his family.

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