Use girl game to retain clients

I hired this video editor to clean up some videos for me.

I’ve used her in the past and they did good work.

I paid her in advance like I do for all my contractors.

And even paid more than her quote, to cover PayPal fees.

Gave her a relaxed week-long deadline.

Two weeks went by and I still don’t have my videos.

And worse, she wasn’t responding to my follow-ups.

Yesterday I got my videos and a bullshit excuse why she couldn’t get in touch.

Plus she sent me my videos on some goofy file transfer service ’cause the files were too big…

Instead of just upgrading her Dropbox.

I didn’t say anything.

But I’m never hiring her again.

Nor will I ever recommend her to anyone.

A woman might be seeing several men concurrently…

Yet each man feels like he’s the only one she’s spending time with.

This is the secret of client retention.

And as silly and irrational as it sounds…

This is more important than ROI.


More important than how much money you make the client…

Is how you make the client feel.

Clients want to feel like they’re the priority.

Like they’re your only client.

The more effective you are at doing this…

The longer you’ll retain them.

Dozen matter if you have 20+ clients.

Act as if you have only one.

This is not easy to do.

Learn from these hoes.

– Nabeel

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help.

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Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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