10 emails will make him 208k/year

In yesterday’s email I told you I’d tell you more about the Danny Postma case study…

From DM to Paid in 60 Minutes.

If you haven’t read yesterday’s email or the case study…

Look through your inbox, they’re both in there.


The cart abandonment campaign I wrote for Danny’s AI SaaS, HeadShotPro

Has been live for two weeks.

And he sent me the results.

According to Danny the campaign’s made $8000 since turning it on.

So if nothing else changes…

These 10 emails will make him an additional $208,000 per year.

He paid me $500 for them (you’re not going to get this rate, so don’t ask)…

So that’s an ROI of 41,600% in the first year.

But HeadShotPro is growing fast.

Which means more traffic which means more abandoned carts.

So the incremental run rate the campaign adds will go up as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Danny tells me a year later…

These 10 emails I wrote made him an extra $500,000.

Here’s another cool report he sent me.

This is a bit fiddly to read. Of the people who got email 1, 47% bought. Of the people who got email 2, 38% bought. And so on.

And if I’ve run the numbers correctly…

This campaign recovers 85 out of 100 carts.

That’s an 85% conversion rate…

And that is INSANE.

And in a few cases…

The campaign was so good it “reduced conversions.”

Here’s what I mean.

So good they don’t want the emails to stop

Some users were deliberately not buying because…

They were collecting the cart abandonment emails like Pokemon cards.

Pretty sure this dude in the screenshot bought after all that.

Given all of the above…

It’s safe to say that Danny’s happy with how this project turned out.

So he rehired me on the spot…

To write some more emails and landing page copy.

And off of the engagement from his posts talking about the results, I got…

17 new leads.

3 became clients.

2 I’m about to close.

2 I referred to my copy cub because my rates are beyond their budget.

2 I refused to sell because they don’t need to invest in copy right now; the Goodwill this bought me means they’ll hire me down the line.

1 triggered the asshole tax (see yesterday’s email.)

And the remaining 7 are still in the pipeline.

So with that said…

If you’d like to turn a few emails into a few hundred thousand dollars in additional revenue…

Reply to this email and let’s see if we can perform alchemy.

Yours beardly,

P.S. Even if you book a discovery call via Dropkick Copy you’re still gonna have to pass my pre-qualification via email.

So you might as well reply and we get it out of the way now.

P.P.S. The rate I charged Danny for the cart abandonment emails, I practically gave them away.

The only reason I did that is cos I was doing a case study for CopySkills™.

And I cos I want more client results in the SaaS niche.

Therefore, you won’t be getting this extortionate discount.

You’ll be paying my normal rates, which are substantial.

If that’s alright by you, go ahead and reply.

Daily Email Newsletter

Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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