The 6-figure African copywriter

Recently a subscriber replied to one of my emails saying he hasn’t gotten any results from the courses he’s bought.

I told him it’s because he wasn’t doing the work.

Or that he’s doing it incorrectly.

He doubled down, blaming the fact that he’s from Nigeria.

Complained he has many obstacles to overcome.

But I know many successful African copywriters.

The reason they’ve been successful while many of their compatriot copywriters haven’t is that…

They don’t let the fact that they’re from Nigeria, Kenya or Zimbabwe…

Prevent them from doing what they have to do.

Stop blaming the fact that you’re from Africa.

Stop believing you’re a victim of circumstance.

Everyone has challenges to overcome.

We have many African copywriters in CopySkills™.

And I’m well aware of their challenges.

Many of our resources were created specifically to help Global South copywriters.

For example, Jay Makoni’s guest lecture on how to get paid…

That is, how to physically get clients’ money into your hands…

When you live in a developing/3rd world country.

But these resources are of no use if a copywriter thinks they’re a victim.

Once you start believing that everything is your fault…

That the life you have is the life you want…

And you have control over what happens to you…

All of which are true…

And then take action based on these beliefs…

You’ll start making progress.

We do have some resources in CopySkills™ to help you develop the right beliefs.

But as far as my experience goes…

Physicality (action) creates mentality (thinking) more easily than the other way around.

That’s why CopySkills™ is less focused on information and more focused on implementation.

With that said…

If you’re ready to stop believing you’re a victim…

And if you’re ready to start taking aggressive action…

So you can create the life you want…

>>> Join CopySkills™ for as low as $19.99 per month 👉

– Nabeel

P.S. We’ve just added an annual subscription. Pay for one year upfront and you get 2 months free.

P.P.S We also have a lifetime all-access pass that many of our members prefer because they’re long-term thinkers.

Daily Email Newsletter

Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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