What I would do if I was crying 9-to-5 TikTok lady (@briellebelly123)

TikTok user @briellebelly123 went viral when she broke down over her 9-to-5 job and long commute. She leaves early and gets home late. She doesn’t have time for anything else. If you haven’t seen the video I’ve linked it below.

Many people are making fun of her for this video but she has a point. A 9-to-5 office job with a 2-hour commute makes no sense. It’s dumb. Plus, she doesn’t have to accept it when there are much better ways to earn a living.

Here’s what I would do if I was Brielle.

1. Month 1: Learn a skill

Learn a money-making skill during commute. Assume she’s not driving. 1 hour there and back. 2 hours of uninterrupted learning time. Pick a skill and read 5 books on it. This will take a month.

2. Month 2: Freelance

Continue learning but reduce to 30 minutes per day during morning commute. Remaining commute spent on cold outreach. Talk to businesses that can use her new skills. Might have to work for free to get first client, just to get case study. Once she gets first client, do the client work on weekends. A typical retainer client can be serviced in 5 hours per week. If working for free upgrade to paid. $1,500-$3,000/month.

3. Months 3-5: Get more clients

Using the case study from client 1 to get 2 more clients. No need to work for free anymore. Raise prices with every new client. Client work is now 15 hours per week. Can power through this during the weekend or do 10 hours weekend + 5 hours weeknights. IMPORTANT: Must keep the clients she gets. That means do high quality work and get results.

4. Months 6+: Save money

Can reduce learning time to 1-2 hours per week. Continue outreach during commute. Never stop prospecting. No time to service new clients so start a waitlist. Getting on waitlist requires a deposit. New clients get onboarded if another leaves. By now freelance income is equal to or greater than 9-to-5 salary. Must be able to maintain this for 3+ months. But don’t quit day job yet. Need to save up 6 months of living expenses.

5. Months 9+: Quit job

Once 6 months of expenses saved AND freelancing income consistently => salary, submit resignation. She is free. God bless her.

wHaT sKiLl ShOuLd ShE lEaRn?

Doesn’t matter. I’m biased to copywriting. If she wanted, she could join CopySkills™ and we could coach her for 20 bucks a month.

Brielle’s video

This isn’t her most-viewed video on TikTok. She has others with far greater. Probably because most of TikTok is younger and the idea that the 9-to-5 life sucks is common knowledge. Where her video is going viral is on Twitter and Instagram.


im also getting sick leave me alone im emotional ok i feel 12 and im scared of not having time to live

♬ original sound – BRIELLE♉️

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2 comments… add one
  • AI Oct 30, 2023 @ 2:30

    In a society with Shar’ia Law, young women would be taken care of financially, protected and free to stay at home without any need to work.

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