If you want to be a thought leader… (entrepreneur “value poasts” with ChatGPT)

At the time of writing, a so-called “value post” post in the Nothing Held Back Facebook group has 74 likes and 70 comments. Serious comments. People agreeing and disagreeing and adding their own insights.

kayvon kay the sales connection master the art of high ticket sales

But the original post was written by ChatGPT.

I called the author out.

“This post was written by ChatGPT.”

His reply…

“100% why would I spend anytime trying to rewrite a post when I can use the robot to take my thoughts and put them down on paper better than I ever could? Makes no sense. Robot only works when you feed it the right information.”

Someone asked me how I could tell. I replied, because it doesn’t sound human.

If you want to be a thought leader…

Have real thoughts.  Not thoughts so banal they can be written by a mindless machine.  And if you’re an entrepreneur who wants to share real thought leadership with the world but have little time to do it, hire a ghostwriter. We care about your reputation and won’t ruin it writing drivel.

Here are two examples where we were successful:

  • Mike Mark, where we doubled revenue and tripled ROAS in our first 30 days of working together.
  • Joel Erway, where we grew 50% YoY and had 4 back-to-back record-breaking months.

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Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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