Free Notion database for networking

I made a new friend on Twitter this week.

His name’s Noah Zender and he builds products for an AI startup.

Before that, he was involved in a VC fund.

He also writes a weekly newsletter called Building Blocks, which promises to make you a smarter entrepreneur in just 5 minutes a week.

Coming from the startup/VC space, Noah’s done a lot of networking and he’s got the process dialed in.

I guess that’s ’cause meeting new people is a VC’s job.

While we were talking, he told me he documented his system in a Notion database and free training called No-Sweat Networking.

I’ve just gone through it myself and I can see how this will save me a lot of time.

Think about it:

Instead of sending 100s of cold emails and DMs per week that get ignored, why not build a handful of high-quality relationships that’ll generate 100x the revenue in the long-term?

Noah would like to share his No-Sweat Networking training and database with you in exchange for your email address.

You can get instant access here.

Enjoy 😉

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💰 Three Ways I Can Help You

1️⃣ If you’re a business owner

Consider working with Dropkick Copy. We’re a boutique direct response copywriting studio. Easy to work with, nail your voice and never miss a deadline.

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2️⃣ If you’re a copywriter

CopySkills™ is a community and training program for copywriters in the Global South. We’ll help you master your craft and work with better clients.

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3️⃣ If you’re a Muslim man

Read my book, 40 Hadith on Masculinity: How to Be a Good Man. Available in pdf.

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About Nabeel Azeez

“Nabeel is the Swiss Army knife of copywriters.” – Dennis Demori

“One of the smartest, most authentic business consults around.” – Mike Cernovich

“He’s a master of content and digital branding.” – Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

“Is it just me or does every ‘copywriter’ have the same tone? Except Nabeel Azeez.” – SaaSWiz

Bald. Bearded. Magnificent. Oh, And he writes a bit of copy too. Nabeel Azeez is a direct response copywriter and marketing consultant in Dubai, U.A.E. He’s writing this in the third person and telling you about it because he enjoys meta-humor or meta-humour, depending on whether or not you are familiar with diphthongs.

Nabeel is the co-owner of Dropkick Copy, a boutique direct response copywriting studio. He’s also the founder of CopySkills™, a community and training program for copywriters in the Global South, and MuslimMan™, a lifestyle brand for Muslim men. He lives in Dubai, UAE with his family.

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