How Shawna, Saana, Dennis, And Marco Can Make Money For Doing “Nothing”

My friend Shawna asked me the other day if I was quitting copywriting…

Hey question, if you’re moving towards affiliate marketing, how do you know what you’re offering is even relevant to the audience you built up? Or are you finding things that are relevant for the people already in your space?

My response to her:

I’d only promote relevant stuff. And I don’t think I will move towards 100% affiliate marketing. It’s just a nice bit of extra money. And working on the promos keeps my skills sharp.

You don’t have to be an “affiliate marketer…”

To benefit from affiliate marketing.

Because the principles you’d use…

Apply no matter what business you are in.

Especially if you do email marketing.

And you absolutely should be doing email marketing.

Let me demonstrate with 4 examples of business owners I know.

Shawna, Saana, Dennis, and Marco.

Everything I’m about to tell you is “affiliate marketing” in one way or another.

shawna beckmann salesperson sales coach

Shawna Beckmann Is A Salesman & Sales Coach

She offers:

  • Remote sales for businesses that need help closing on the phone
  • Membership community for business owners who want to get better at sales

Shawna has an email list and a Facebook community of paying subscribers.

Shawna can, if she wants to, partner up with other businesses…

To offer complementary products to her audience.

Like lead generation – maybe it’s a course or a service.

Because you need leads to sell.

And sometimes, the problem Shawna’s clients face…

Is that they don’t have enough volume.

Or what about copywriting?

Maybe they have enough traffic and they know how to sell…

But their funnel can be optimized with good copy…

So they can boost their traffic-to-lead conversion rate.

What about operations and admin?

Once you close a sale, you have to deliver the work.

Shawna mostly works with small business owners.

What if Shawna can help them find virtual assistants…

To get a lot of busy work off their plates?

It’s all about thinking:

“How can I be a trusted advisor to my clients?”

She’s already emailing her list.

She’s already creating content for her community.

She does not have to deliver on the products and services she promotes.

So, it’s basically free money.

And not only that, she’s serving her clients in a way that…

Grows their businesses.

And the better he clients do…

The more likely they are to continue to work with her.

saana azzam executive coach corporate training CEO mena speakers bureau

Saana Azzam Is An Executive Coach & Owns A Speakers Bureau

Saana and her team offer:

  • Sourcing speakers for corporate events and conferences
  • Speaker management and promotion
  • Public speaking workshops

As you can imagine, the Rona hit…

And her business got proper f*cked.

They’re getting back to normal now, Alhamdulillah.

But Saana did a really good move during the lockdown…

And started doing free online workshops with guest speakers.

I was one of them:

The idea was correct but the execution could have been better.

The following can be applied in any business environment – Rona or no Rona.

1. Why do the workshops for free?

Even a nominal fee of $50 – $100 would have brought in a nice chunk of revenue.

And by charging for the workshops, she could have built a Buyers List…

Of people interested in professional development…

Which is right up her company’s alley.

2. Partner with the popular speakers to offer a paid workshop

This is the obvious next step, and she probably already did this – kudos to her.

The free workshop was an hour long.

Partner with the speaker to offer a longer, say, half-day or full-day workshop.

Charge anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per person.

Saana has a big list of about 20,000-25,000 subscribers…

And she has “hot chick privilege.”

A large social media audience of ~19k followers on Instagram and ~23k on Linkedin.

So, it would be very easy to fill up a Zoom meeting with 100 people.

Charge anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per person.

Saana keeps 50%.

Easy af money and she’s serving both the supply side and the demand side.

3. Selling services to her network of speakers

Saana could partner with service providers to help public speakers and coaches make more money.

Speakers have so many ways to promote themselves…

And because they’re generally not marketers…

They only capture a fraction of their available opportunity.

So here comes Saana to the rescue.

Need a website? Talk to Saana.

Need a ghostwriter for your book? Talk to Saana.

Want to run paid traffic so your brand is omnipresent? Talk to Saana.

Launching an online course? Talk to Saana.

The possibilities are endless.

And I believe Saana and co. are already doing some of this with their speaker marketplace, KnoWho Market.

dennis demori copywriter business coach marketing consultant

Dennis Demori Is An Email Copywriter And Business Coach

Dennis offers:

  • Email copywriting services
  • Info products on freelancing and email copywriting
  • Membership community for freelance copywriters

Affiliate marketing for a copywriter/marketer needs no explanation…

Because you’re watching me do it in real-time.

Nevertheless, I shall elaborate.

Dennis has a strong lifestyle brand – good-looking woman, no pressure to work a lot, freedom to travel anywhere, anytime.

And he also has the benefit of serving supply and demand.

He could help the copywriters in his membership get jobs and take a percentage of their earnings for x months…

Or, the corollary, offer to recruit copywriters – trained and vetted by him – for business owners and charge a flat fee.

Or he could take a cut from both ends.

And that’s not all…

Because like Shawna, Dennis can become a trusted advisor to his clients…

And offer to solve marketing, sales, and operations problems.

Dennis writes emails.

Email marketing needs leads.

Dennis can partner with someone to offer lead generation.

Does Dennis’s client sell high-ticket on the phone?

Dennis will be generating a ton of booked appointments.

He could partner with a sales consultancy – like Shawna – or a sales recruitment company…

To find sales reps for his clients and help them handle the call load.

Up and down the value chain there’s a sh*t ton of money to be made.

macro cipolat strength coach desert barbell gym owner

Marco Cipolat Is A Gym Owner And Strength Coach

Marco is the co-owner of Desert Barbell, where I train.

So, a lot of these affiliate opportunities are quite obvious, and virtually all gyms do them:

Desert Barbell is an affiliate for:

  • Eleiko – strength training equipment and accessories
  • SBD – fitness apparel
  • Optimum Nutrition – supplements

But besides this…

For their private coaching clients – people who’ve proven they’re willing to invest in their health and wellness…

They could partner with a nutritionist to offer customized diets.

They could partner with a meal-prep company to deliver meals to their clients.

They could partner with sports therapists, chiropractors, and masseurs to help with injury prevention and recovery.

And during the Rona, I think they may have missed an opportunity.

Now, this next idea is not strictly “affiliate marketing…”

But it applies lateral thinking using a principle of affiliate marketing:

“What product or service can I offer to my clients at no cost to me?”

Gyms in Dubai were closed for 2 months.

Gym equipment was not being used.

Why not allow gym members who continued paying the dues…

To borrow a few pieces of equipment so they can continue to train at home?

Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, medicine balls, squat stands, benches…

Anything not bolted to the floor.

And not just let them borrow the equipment…

But also design a personalized workout program based on the equipment they borrowed.

Obviously, this cannot be offered to all members because there is limited equipment.

But it will keep enough members paying their dues to keep the lights on.

Desert Barbell did a version of this by offering a “home gym” package for sale.

Mini-power rack, dip attachment, barbell, plates, and exercise bands.

However, this package was a ~$3,000 investment.

I’m not sure if they offered a payment plan…

But if they did, that would’ve enticed more buyers and simulated their membership revenue.

Summary & Conclusion

You don’t have to be an affiliate marketer to benefit from affiliate marketing.

Think of yourself as a trusted advisor to your clients.

In what other ways can I help my clients reach their goals other than providing my product/service? How can I offer these complementary solutions at no cost to myself?

That is the essence of affiliate marketing.

And it applies no matter what business you are in.

Once you know this to be true…

The question is, now, one of execution.

And I know of no better way than emailing your list, individually or en masse, saying:

“Hi, I have a friend who can help you do x, y, z… Interested?”

ethical email marketing

Download the Secret Email System today

Given that, I hope you will consider downloading and reading the…

Secret Email System.

Matt Bacak’s new book…

On how he built a 7-figure business using nothing but ethical email marketing.

The Secret Email System is based on one big idea.

I call it,

“Selling your own sh*t vs. selling other people’s sh*t.”

Selling your own sh*t:

  • Create a product
  • Write the sales page
  • Write promotional copy
  • Run ads
  • Sell the product
  • Deliver the product
  • Handle customer service
  • Get paid

Selling other people’s sh*t:

  • Build a List
  • Mail the List
  • Get paid

If you run your own business…

You already do the former…

And you have everything you need to do the latter.

Click here to make pure profit for doing “nothing”…

Plus, claim your free gift

If you download the Secret Email System today…

I’ll give you a bonus gift on me:

The Secret Email System Quick-Start Guide, which includes:

  1. Bonus #1: Quick-Start Tech Stack – The exact tools I’ll personally use when I implement the Secret Email System.
  2. Bonus #2: Quick-Start List Building – The exact tactics I’d use to get my first 100 subscribers if I was starting from zero.
  3. Bonus #3: Quick-Start Brand Building – The exact method I’d use, knowing what I know now, to build a social media audience from scratch.

To claim your Secret Email System Quick-Start Guide:

  1. Download the Secret Email System.
  2. Take a screenshot of your receipt.
  3. Email that screenshot to

Daily Email Newsletter

Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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