Average cold email

Here’s a cold email I received.

It’s not amazing.

Why did I open and reply?


  1. PSL formula (Perfect Subject Line™; more on this below)
  2. Use of humour
  3. Inclusion of links, images and gifs (which many don’t recommend)

It did a lot of things right and so it didn’t need to be an amazing email.

  1. It got to my inbox. This is more important than anything you’ll do. Your number one goal is to get noticed.
  2. Relevant benefit in the subject line got me to open the email. I’m not interested in selling my agency right now but it’s on every agency owner’s mind.
  3. Personable body copy that sounds like a human talking to another human.
  4. Rich signature that shows me this is a real person that I can look up online (and I did.)

I sent her a connection request and if I want to talk to someone about selling my agency, she’s top of mind.

How can you apply this to your cold outreach?

  1. Send an email from a domain and not a gmail/yahoo/outlook. Make sure you have your deliverability basics covered – SPF, DKIM, DMARC. Buy your domains on Google domains so you can do a one-click install of Google Workspace email inbox with SPF & DKIM records included. DMARC is one line of code you need to add and you’re good to go.
  2. Use the PSL formula in your subject line. Benefit + Specificity + Curiosity. You can take it a step further by using the first line of your body copy as faux-preview text. I teach this in detail in my course, Profitable AF Emails, which CopySkills™ members get for free (along with other courses and guest lectures.)
  3. Sound like a human and not a robot. A social skills course will help more than a cold email course. But if you need a social skills course you’re NGMI as a copywriter.
  4. Rich signature with pfp, business name/domain and contact details.
  5. You don’t need cold email software, inbox warmup, spintax, none of that shit. You don’t need to send 10,000 cold emails a day.

If you want more cold outreach help, join CopySkills™.

We have a dedicated cold outreach coach, Océane, who’ll help you get clients.

Several of our members already have, with her help.

>>> Yes! Help me get clients 👉

Love peace and chicken grease,

P.S. Starting a series of live streams about the business of copywriting soon. Plan on turning it into a free course down the line to attract people to CopySkills™. You’ll want to join us so you can get the content before the unwashed masses, attend live and ask questions.

What’s your ballpark average monthly revenue rn?

Turn on images to see this photo

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💰 Here are Three Ways I Can Help You

1️⃣ If you’re a business owner

Consider working with Dropkick Copy. We’re a boutique direct response copywriting studio. Easy to work with, nail your voice and never miss a deadline.

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2️⃣ If you’re a copywriter

CopySkills™ is a community and training program for copywriters in the Global South. We’ll help you master your craft and work with better clients.

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3️⃣ If you’re a Muslim man

Read my book, 40 Hadith on Masculinity: How to Be a Good Man. Available in pdf.

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About Nabeel Azeez

“Nabeel is the Swiss Army knife of copywriters.” – Dennis Demori

“One of the smartest, most authentic business consults around.” – Mike Cernovich

“He’s a master of content and digital branding.” – Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

“Is it just me or does every ‘copywriter’ have the same tone? Except Nabeel.” – SaaSWiz

“Nabeel doesn’t realize he’s a rare breed. That bearded animal can make paint drying sound riveting.” – Mike Mark

Bald. Bearded. Magnificent. Oh, And he writes a bit of copy too. Nabeel Azeez is a direct response copywriter and marketing consultant in Dubai, U.A.E. He’s writing this in the third person and telling you about it because he enjoys meta-humor or meta-humour, depending on whether or not you are familiar with diphthongs.

Nabeel is the co-owner of Dropkick Copy, a boutique direct response copywriting studio. He’s also the founder of CopySkills™, a community and training program for copywriters in the Global South, and MuslimMan™, a lifestyle brand for Muslim men. He lives in Dubai, UAE with his family.

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Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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