From DM to paid in 60 minutes


  1. I’m not anonymizing the client’s name because he’s a build-in-public-type and shared this interaction on Twitter. You’ll also learn more when I give you all the context.
  2. Before you can do this you need a decent social media profile (optimized pfp and bio, some followers and content) and some way to demonstrate competence (results or portfolio.) You don’t need to be as experienced as me or have results like mine. You can do this as a beginner, it’ll just be a little harder. E.g. you might close 1-3 clients out of 100 DMs.
  3. In situations like the one you’ll see below, speed is the most important factor. Whoever responds the fastest gets the deal.
  4. Your rates will depend on the context.

    1. Who you are – your brand and your experience
    2. Who the client is – big name or nobody
    3. Their business model – low-ticket or high-ticket
    4. Your goal – make a profit or get your foot in the door
    5. Your minimum hourly rate – see Freelancer Pricing Playbook

I got tagged under this post by a friend and DM’d him immediately. This is not cold outreach. He expressed buying intent so he’s a warm lead. But we don’t know each other. He doesn’t follow me and I wasn’t following him. He’s legit though. Like the pickup artists say, “How would you open?” Sinple. Continue reading…


Yours beardly,

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Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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