Master your craft

I often joke that anyone can be a copywriter… you just have to read thousands of pages and write millions of words.

And therein lies the rub.

As far as business opportunities go, there are easier ways to make money than becoming a copywriter.

The only people who achieve any sort of success in this industry:

  • Enjoy reading and writing
  • Care about mastery

This is why the majority of copywriters live paycheck to paycheck.

One, they aren’t any good at what they do and two, they aren’t any good at running a business.

And I don’t blame them ’cause:

  • They learn their skills from “third derivatives“: a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. And so, they have no grasp of the fundamentals.
  • No one’s explained to them that being a copywriter needs two skill sets: the skill of copywriting and the business of copywriting. So again, they have no grasp of the fundamentals.

Two Traits in Every Successful Copywriter

That’s the problem I’m fixing with CopySkills™.

I’m helping copywriters master their craft and work with better clients.

Both are essential and synergistic.

  • If you don’t care about mastery, you’ll never work with better clients
  • If you don’t work with better clients, you’ll never make the kind of money you want

But there’s more to it than that.

CopySkills™ is the first coaching program… mentorship… membership community… whatever you wanna call it… that was built for copywriters from the Global South.

We make $500-$3000/month mentorship available for just $20/month.

Beyond the cost, we’re also more accommodating of our members needs because we have a better understanding of cultural issues.

For example, many copywriters in Africa and South Asia have difficulty paying for anything online because their bank cards aren’t accepted by payment processors.

They need to jump through hoops to even buy a book online.

These honest, hard working people have the ability and willingness to pay, but they can’t because of structural racism (I bet you never thought Yours Beardly would use that term but in this case it fits.)

So we saw that problem and said OK, pay us in Bitcoin instead.

Problem solved.

🎖 Wanna Upgrade Your Copywriting & Business?

So here’s what I’m offering you:

If you’re a copywriter who wants to master your craft and work with better clients, CopySkills™ will help you do it.

To that end, I’ll be hosting a demo presentation on Friday, March 3rd 2023.

During this presentation I’ll go over:

  • ✅ Everything you need to know about CopySkills™
  • ✅ Over-the-shoulder demo of the CopySkills™ community
  • ✅ Answering any questions you have before joining

If you’d like to join us, you can RSVP here:

🧠 Read Our Manifesto

If you haven’t read it already, you may find our Manifesto interesting.

Hope I see you there.


P.S. He puts the W in Waleed. Shoutout to CopySkills™ member Waleed Bhat who’s making it rain for his clients.

A broadcast email doing $4k in the first hour is nothing to sneeze at.

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready here are 3 ways I can help:

  1. If you’re a business owner, work with my copywriting agency, Dropkick Copy.
  2. If you’re a copywriter who wants to master your craft and work with better clients, join CopySkills for as low as $20/month.
  3. If you’re a man who cares about self-improvement, buy my new book 40 Hadith on Masculinity: How to Be a Good Man. Get instant access for $20.

Daily Email Newsletter

Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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