New client result – 700% uplift

These past few months we’ve been writing for SaaS companies.

Mostly emails.

A few landing pages.

We did a homepage redesign for an AI startup.

Wrote the copy, did the wireframe and gave design direction.

Client’s web designer implemented.

We wrote two versions to test.

Both crushed the control.

Here are the results:

  • +702.28% uplift for variation one
  • +325.86% uplift for variation two

Check the PS for a hi-res screenshot

The client should use both as dedicated landing pages because they’re two different appeals.

Imagine paying a copywriter once and getting two landing pages that print money.

If you’re a business owner…

Dropkick Copy can do this for you.

Reply to this email if you’re interested.

If you’re a copywriter…

This client was an inbound lead that came in after a client I got using cold outreach sang my praises.

When you do it right…

You’ll only need to use cold outreach for your first 2-3 clients.

After that your business is a snowball of word-of-mouth and referrals.

I’ll be discussing this cold outreach client in detail in my upcoming workshop with Kyle Milligan.

  • Why it wasn’t cold outreach but more like room temp outreach
  • How you can replicate my results even if you have no experience and no results
  • How to identify your prospect’s buying type so you can adapt your sales pitch to close the deal
  • What entrepreneurs want, what to sell them and how to take their money
  • …And much more!

The workshop is called…

How to Get Your First Copywriting Client

But what I’ll be sharing with you will also work to get your next copywriting client.

And it’ll also work to get you clients if you’re not a copywriter but a freelancer or consultant of any sort.

Workshop details:

  • Friday 25th August 2023
  • 12 pm New York / 5 pm London / 8 pm Dubai
  • $67 entry fee
  • Live session with recordings available

>>> Fix your client-getting problem for good 👉​

– Nabeel

P.S. Bonus gift:

Email me a copy of your receipt after joining and I’ll give you a 1-month scholarship to CopySkills™.

P.P.S. Here’s the hi-res screenshot of our homepage test results.

Daily Email Newsletter

Nabeel writes a daily email to an audience of business owners, marketers and copywriters. Subscribe and get instant access to “Letters From Yours Beardly”, an archive of every email he’s written to his list since 2017. Click here to opt in to Nabeel’s daily email newsletter.

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